Well we are back with more bagger wave, whether it be Tesco, Giant, Toy R Us, Parkson, Metro Jaya, Carrfour, all have reported having the bagger wave at this time. Why? bad distribution, unpopular models being sifted for the Malaysia market or just simply beyond anyones' control. This wave fluctuation is getting some collectors frustrated and to a certain degree I am too, I mean who isn't especially collectors. But we can only hope that new wave will pop out soon and 7-11 will have another promo but please no more bagger for the next promo. But is it beyond anyones' control? Well September is coming and we have seen only 5 wave so far. Are we gonna be collecting 2009 cars right up into 2010 and 2010 cars won't be availbale until next March or April. So collecting in Malaysia is not meant to be a completed affair. I believe we must change our mindset.

Collecting in Malaysia must be to collect cars you like and don't try to complete any set such as all 12 thunts or super thunts but just get as many rubbers as you can, or just get the cars that you like cause until the situation takes a turn towards the collectors favor, we just have to find a way to collecting in a certain way that will avoid dissapointment due to just wishing and hoping the wave will arrive. At this point, I turn to the amount of rubber I have...hehehe.

The more ruber I collect the happier I am. There this is my focus so this I dare say is what I will find. Maybe as you wish for something you may be lucky enough to get it. Don't ask me how, I think its just the power of believe and focus on the possibilities instead of the impossibilities. And if one day I don't get any rubbers anymore, then I will just shift my focus somewhere else.