Wednesday, October 9, 2013

69 Camaro superized found

Just when you think its not gonna show up anymore.....enjoy and tq!!!  photo 20131009_163121_zps8f9058c2.jpg

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

P Cases have Landed

Mananged to find these new P case wave before the rush back to hometown. Best of all found the Super for this wave. Cheers and Selamat Hari Raya to all muslims out there.  photo 20130807_124233_zps2c13b9ed.jpg  photo 20130807_141714_zps2d6c1413.jpg

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sporadic Hauls/Unintentional

I have been so so busy, and so when chance upon new restocks well we tend to bite a bigger mouthful, more than we can chew. Anyway the newest waves are in my hands now. Thanks for looking.  photo 20130525_090325_zpsbea79920.jpg

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hiatus. J case continued

Phew been so busy starting a new base abroad for my business. Working hard so I can establish myself. Anyway enough of that, I am back and will post the lates Jcase. More pics later. Touching base with you guys to let you know I have been hunting but a tlesser frequency.  photo 20130410_140217_zps23ee728f.jpg

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Boy the wave sure is fast coming to malaysian shores than any where else in the world. Manage to get my hands on these H case wave cars. More pics later.  photo 20130221_142326_zps83d351c5.jpg

Friday, January 18, 2013


Its been a long time since I updated. But anyway. here are some of my hauls. The first super of the year ford faclcon XB 2013  photo 20130118_100313_zps82e86902.jpg And also apparently this is the newest wave which is the G case.  photo 20130119_150421_zps3ae3c0bf.jpg