I have started taking Pictures On Site(POS) as to eliminate any questions on whether the cars I post are "recycled"....but I find it more fun actually thanks to a fellow forummer who suggested this to me but has yet himself to do the same....Where are your POS my friend?(you know who you are)
ALAMANDA C4Spotted 2 bluebirds in the toy section racks plus snagged a civic matchbox
TESCO AMPANGNothing much except residual amounts on the pegs of the qombee wave. May restock soon
TESCO SEMENYIHStill stuck with bad bagger wave.....don't think they will restock anytime soon.
TESCO EXTRA CHERASMany lying on the display rack, in fact they have poured out at least 2 boxes on the basket rihgt near the display racks....
TESCO KAJANGAt last after around 1 month of not scoring anything from this Tesco, they finally restocked just 1 box of the chevy thunt wave. I don't know if there any chevy wave sighted elsewhere but so far nobody has revealed anything yet. However 1 box was indeed special and sufficient as it also contained the chevy super thunt. What luck!! Anyway I will let the pictures do talking.