Unexpected haul a few days back. I was going into 7-11 for a drink and passed by the peg and this is what I saw.....a green card hanging there. On closer inspection it was a $uper Packard, de ja vu. Grabbed it and payed for it hapily. This must have been in the store for sometime and somehow only made it to the racks recently.
And then rounding during lunch and managed to find mor gtx. Still looking for the new wave though but still not appearing in my hunts. Maybe I need to go further. Anywa keep on hunting.
Today I want to feature a car from Tomica namely the above. As is widely known, Tomica concerntrates on producing Japanese cars which suits the taste of ost Asian Collectors. This is a nice car from what I can see and I have no regrets at all in getting this car. I thought I needed to self apply stickers on the car but I did not need to as all the beautiful tampos are already on the car. Anyway let the pics do the talking.
I am not really a muscle car lover but I kinda like the Javelin in this years hotwheels lineup because its just a beautiful car to behold. Anyway Let the pics do the talking.
Another release of the fastback casting by maisto. I must say that I am really pleased with this one. Nice tampos with firestone wheels. Let the pics do the talking.
More of the same wave. Have yet to encounter the new wave.
However managed to find these gems as I was travelling, VW Ghia, Ferrari 575 GTC, Nissan Skyline and other ferraris. What?!!!! I was quite pleasantly surprised to see one after the other. Alas thats all that was left but even so they are good cars by my standards. Anyway ...... keep hunting.
This is the maisto Custom Shop series of 2010. I am beginning to like this line of cars especially the VW from the 60's. Just love the yellow and the classic tyres. Anyway let the pics do the talking.
Traded this with fellow Collector from Indonesia who I don't know. Thanks to Weloren for sending the regular as a gift and helping me complete for this thunt casting. this is my Hari Raya gift. Anyway still waiting something from the Philippines:). Thanks again.
Probably one of the most awaited jap tuner that jap tuner lovers were waiting for is the EVO X nightburnerz series. Its actually a nice casting as usual because hotwheels have this casting really down pat but what the first edition 2008 failed in the lack of tampos, this 2010 version is actually decked out with tuners tampos....and so therefore whats there not to like....hehe.
But there is something dissapointing .....the lack off detail on the back. The first series kicked the 2010 ass in this particular aspect.
A pretty heavy casting with metal base, this car is perhaps one of the well sought after car in the GTX Ford wave. The color black with a shiny finish suits this car giving a sleeker look to an already sleek looking muscle car. Definitley a must for all muscle car fans. Let the pics do the talking.
Just when you thought the day could not get any better.....Another $UPER while holidaying for the merdeka day up north. Anyway an extra is always useful for future trades maybe with a mail in vw fastback or something :P......
Let me just say that, I am a first time blogger but since everyone is making their own blog or creating their own hobby site., and for passion for hotwheels/matchbox and tomica cars, I have decided to blog. This blog serves to inform and get people who read it a passion for hunting. The hunt is an addictive thing. If you go on a hunting spreee, its not just going to be one outlet or two but sometimes 5 to 10, or maybe more, in one go when a new wave of cars strike your area. I am going to be posting up pictures as I hunt so come share my experience as I blog about cars and hopefully my son too will get into it one day. He is 9 months old....haha
Mais fotos do Supra exclusivo das lojas 7-11
A Mattel fechou uma nova parceria com a rede de lojas de conveniência do
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vem no pa...
Kegunaan Gel Silika Yang Anda Tak Tahu
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terjumpa Gel Silika ini dalam bungkusan² kotak mahupun barang² elektronik
A great venue, city, and crowd made this an awesome show! With celebrity
concerts and events for the kids this was a definite show that you should
have bee...
Mananged to pop in a few 99 speedmarts, whihc just newly sticked with
hotwheels, and managed to capture 2 supers. Not bad not bad at all. More
please :) [i...
Xin Nian Kuai Le
Ni dia...last of the last, koleksi sampul Angpow 2014. Ngam-ngam dah dekat
dengan sambutan Tahun Baru Cina. Kepada rakan-rakan Tionghua yang
menyambutnya ...
*When i first blog about the Color Shifter Series back in 2009, never had
i anticipated that the series will last this long. The series lasted for 5
Photo Shooting Method Upgrade
*Captured sharp & good quality photo is essential for viewing pleasure.I
have always pushing myself on this all the time and i'm still learning ,
updating ...
Hot Wheels Haul - E Case (2012/12/01)
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landed just 2 days after the D case released. i believe we are the first
country tha...
Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - DX12 1/6 Batman
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It's exclusive and it's expensive, and I manage to own one.
*"The Batman/ Bruce...
1/64: Tomica Subaru 360 Disney
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this cute Subaru 360 with the world most famous mouse, Mickey Mouse! The
car is v...
Gumpert Apollo
Hi guys! it has been a while! Gonna do a short post on this awesome casting
by Siku! yeah it is my second one and seems like the brand is becoming
New Ray 1/12 Ducati with Yellow Hornet TK
This is my first post in 2012. Is a little late but i still wanna wish all
of you a blessed year ahead. I was considering getting something for my
yellow h...
Heavy Deliveries being set loose..
Last week, decided to set loose those heavy deliveries which arrived a few
weeks back..
Let the pictures do the talking...
Enjoy the pics and video..
Ferrari 365 Daytona GTB /4
A Ferrari 365 GTB/4 com nome não oficial Ferrari Daytona , teve sua
produção entre 1968 e 1973, seu nome Daytona foi em homenagem as 3
primeiras posiçõe...
Limited Edition Black Bandit Series 6
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de c...
1/64 Hotwheels Lancer Evolution X Helang
Let my pics do the talking ;)
Yup, there are some flaws, but mostly minor. Had fun doing this little fella
* click on each pic to view larger version...