Unexpected haul a few days back. I was going into 7-11 for a drink and passed by the peg and this is what I saw.....a green card hanging there. On closer inspection it was a $uper Packard, de ja vu. Grabbed it and payed for it hapily. This must have been in the store for sometime and somehow only made it to the racks recently.

And then rounding during lunch and managed to find mor gtx. Still looking for the new wave though but still not appearing in my hunts. Maybe I need to go further. Anywa keep on hunting.
Hi PY,
You want to collect all of them ?Thumb up for you.
Superb choice & blend of exotic car.
by going further means go where?
outstation ka? hehehe
@kin-So far I have been able to find most Supers in each wave. So if I can I am hoping to find all the supers without paying exorbitant prices at ebay.
@kurz - Don't hate the playa, hate the game :P
wah my comment wasn't for deep meaning lah py..just teasing-level..hahaha :D
I know la.....just watching Chris Rock just now la, one of his lines hehehee, kena pengaruh
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