But on a positive note the 69 Mustang showing up in certain Jusco since sunday as well. Some Juscos received the H case which is the Caddy wave, some recieved the M case which contains the mustang wave and some are mixed M and N case.

The N case however is a dead case depending on luck and if luck is on your side you get the Super mustang.The N case also contains 3 batmobiles so at least that is not shortpacked. Anyway let the pic do the talking.
Hunting season!
I also got lucky with the Batmobile. Didn't think it would arrive these shores.
Will it be the next Ecto frenzy? Hmmmm.
congraz bro py. i'm still no luck with 69 mustang or baja. but at least now i got all the cars i wanted in these 2 wave. oh btw i found the 2010 batmobile, so no need to spare one for me already.
the first Construction bulldozer is an error card!! :P
@rafys - congrats on your scores and thanks. Any batman cars usually will be favorites
@kuku- ok, if you need the others, if I have it you know how to contact me.:)
@danny - sharp eyes, damn....I gotta get it :P
hehe, bro, do u have any extra Mustang TG for sale? i wan 2 can ah? :P
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