Just a short update. I was walking in Jusco the other day and froma short distance away I saw what could have been new wave of vintage and garage series hotwheels...how ever upon closer inspection it turned out to be maisto chepo cars in these two cards...What the heck....I hope no unsuspecting parent new to hotwheels will buy this for their kids. The price is 19.90, what is Jusco doing man? haha

demm... like this also got.. i wonder who did this. really embarrassing.
I think the original cars were stolen and so the jusco staff put whatever loose cars which they can find in its place....damn sial
apa tunggu lagi?report je..boleh sue ni..
djaggat- buang masa saja sue dia orang, after you leave,dia orang sangkut balik kat sana jugak...hehe
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