In the world of Custom, you have some of the famous ones like JDmike and Gee's garage to name some of the few well known ones. I myself am not a customizer and am able to do simple simple things only but just for fun, I converted the semifast 2, from this :
into this, the SEMI HAULER
The steps are simple. Using a spectacle scredriver or something flat and strong enough insert it in the space in the middle of the engine and the truck like so
Using whatever you have inserted as a jack, slowly detach the engine from the truck's cab. Dont worry if you hear a pop as it comes off.
Then use glue or in my case some double sided tape to attach the highway hauler's detachable car ramp onto the semi fast,
and there you have it, the SEMI HAULER
So now you put it side by side with the highway hauler and camwhore it away...haha
The best thing is you can attach the semifast huge ass engine back on to the red truck again or you can just exchange it with the highway hauler:
Thanks to mattel for detachable parts...haha...adios