Its that time again where presents are given to people, whether sometimes we know them or they are strangers. Lowyat Forum is having this exchange christmas gift program hatched by our hotwheels threadstarter "demonicle". The list has grown considerably and I am one of the participants. I have chosen guyy since he was brave enough to choose "demonicle" haha.
Well I have selected these few cars on top to give away to 2 people, one to guyy and the other is to a dear friend of mine just starting to collect. I hope he will be encouraged to collect more by this gift which is my purpose. I just sent out my gift today because believe it or not, I could not find a box suitable to contain the toys. Anyway my gift will probably reach them post christmas I think so you can still send your gift because thats what matters. Anyway go to lowyat forum now and sign up by just replying in the forum saying you wanna participate.....Tis the season to be jolly so Merry Christmas to all christian friends and remember to participate in the gift exchange program.
your gift will be slightly late mate, just to let you know.
No worries so long its a custom..haha...O god please make it a custom.....
oh err, oops. sorry to disappoint you. i was making a custom for you but its too far away from being done. so i packaged a few carded cars and sent it your way. :-P
Awww, nevermind lo.....if its finished, I will buy from you ok?...haha
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