As we were about to usher in a new christmas, I have managed to find on Christmas Eve, the new wave which contains the regular Drift King. Other notable cars are like the semi fast 2 which has the 40th anniversary tampo and Impavido, blue mustang gt with orange stripe, Dodge charger white and black, ferrari modena and mitsubishi evo variation(the one without the dodgy black frame on the car's windows.

Other cars that I also saw but did not buy are brutalistic, pink escalade and gold corvette. There are many more but I just gave them a pass. My pocket's hole was getting larger so I had to get cars that I liked most and put back the rest. Honestly this wave comes with a nice looking cars. If fate allows me to get them on the second or third pass, I probably would, if not its ok. As I was leaving to pay at the counter, I saw this tall young guy with spectacles and wearing a red collared t-shirt looking through the hotwheels cars on the rack, he picked up the merc clk which I had no intention to get and was digging into the other cars at the back of the rack. I was grateful not to have come at the same time as him otherwise we would be competing and I would not like that at all. That would be awkward. So I quickly paid and left. Anyway MERRY CHRISTMAS to all.
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