I remembered telling myself "if only I could find a super thunt roadrunner", I would be happy even if I did not manage to find the other 11 super thunts. The reason is because I think among all the thunt lineup for 2008, its the best looking one in my opinion plus the color just suits the green thunt stripe on the card...haha. So somehwere in the middle of this year, Mattel started doing a promotion for their "Promo boxes" which has the Designer challenge cars plus four normal hotwheels cars, which makes a total of 5 altogether.

It was in these promo boxes that I managed to find my super plymouth not one but two. But it sure burns a hole in your pocket since the price for one is around 25 malaysian ringgit which is about US$7 per promo box. Its not that bad for one promo box but in the intial stages of the promotion where the only way for you to score a plymouth roadrunner thunt is in one of the promo boxes(in the Malaysian hotwheels market, there were no single card thunt plymouth provided by Mattel to be sold on the racks), the accumalated number of promo boxes bought just to get that thunt reaches to a place where it is ridiculous. Now even if I see a promo box with a thunt Plymouth inside, I will just give it a pass unless its a super. This sucks for me as a collector in Malaysia but hey I have to set a limit because of this.....

Aww man, u're considered very lucky... I couldn't even find a single regular... T_T
Excellent haul btw~
Yah man, Luck had everything to do with it....haha
i also scored 2
Hi arttt,
I am not surprised, you major hunter, more than me, I am honored by your presence....haha
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